This is probably one of my favorite activities! Not only do we get to laugh at the performances, but we also get some unique insight into the major characters. Which skit was your favorite? Why?
Do you think a man like Jay Gatsby could happen today? Why or why not? Is the American Dream depicted in Fitzgerald's novel still the same today? If not, how is it different?
My favorite skit was Sarah and Candice's. It provided, what I felt, was a realistic interpretation of how Daisy and Gatsby would interact with each other now that she knows the truth about who he is. It started with an awkward beginning where they were both trying to get their point across. Daisy gave her best effort to let Gatsby know that any chance they had together was over and that you couldn't repeat the past while Gatsby, still holding on to whatever was left of the dying dream, was trying to convince Daisy that she was confused about the whole situation, that she never really loved Tom, and that they way he was talking scared her in to thinking she loved him.
Gatsby was still trying his best to get Daisy. He told her that he would take the fall for her killing Myrtle, that he would wait outside of her house in case Tom might try something, and that he still loved her and the evening didn't change that fact. Daisy, all the while, was trying to let Gatsby know that it was over. The skit had a lot of references to the book (including the chapters we weren't supposed to have read yet) and portrayed Gatsby and Daisy very well with what they would say now that everything's out in the open. I especially liked how Daisy finally broke down and lost her facade. She finally had to come out and speak her mind rather than constantly hiding behind her useless little remarks. There was even a part where Daisy had to take a moment of silence in order to sort out her thoughts and I thought that it made the skit feel very real.
In today's world a man like Jay Gatsby could not exist. There is no way a man with that much money and power could be could remain unnoticed for so long without someone realizing what he was doing to get that money. People nowadays are not as carefree and careless as the were in the 1920's and no longer would someone be allowed to do the things Gatsby has done without suffering any consequences.
Soceity has changed greatly from Fitzgerald's day but that isn't to say that the American dream has also. People still want that beautiful house, perfect wife and family, and enough money to have some peace of mind, know that they can afford to put their children through college, pay their bills, and still buy nice things for themselves. Although it is not to such a great extent as it was in Fitzgerald's day, these concepts of wealth and a luxurious lifestyle still apply. Our standards have just been lowered and although we no longer see men like Gatsby, we do see everyday people struggling as he had to acheive the American dream. There are still many people who go to great lengths in order to gain money and power and in that respect, the American dream has not changed much at all.
My favorite skit would have to be Richard and Robert's skit. Not only was this skit comical, but it provided us with a realistic view of what Daisy was thinking on the way to New York. Because the book is told from Nick's point of view, we never get to be inside of Daisy's head. In their skit, however, they threw in an interesting twist and revealed that mystery of the novel. In addition, although the mood in the car on the way to New York is light and flirty, Rob and Richard show that Daisy's attitude toward Gatsby may have been changing at that point in the novel. She gets annoyed with the way he keeps speaking of the future and seems to be considering her actions.
As far as a man like Jay Gatsby existing today, I don't think it is plausible. For example, someone who acquired wealth that quickly would definitely draw attention these days. People would become curious and this day in age, with all the technology we have, a man doing such illegal things would be caught.
The American Dream that Fitzgerald depicted in the novel still holds it's meaning today. Just as Gatsby risked so much in order to achieve the American Dream of having the perfect house with the "white picket fence", winning over the trophy wife, etc., commodity fetishism is even more extreme today. These days, people will go into debt just to fool themselves and others into thinking they are living THE American Dream. Also, just as immigrants were described in the novel as coming to America to live the American Dream, there are a plethora of immigrants coming to America every single day for the opportunities and freedom this country holds.
My favorite skit was Sarah's and Candice's. In my opinion, it really showed how Daisy and Gatsby would interact after the whole situation. At first they were quiet because they both were thrown back by everything that had just happened. After the silence passes by, it's almost as if everything blows up in Gatsby's face. Daisy's anger and awe was conveyed perfectly and the viewers could either completely agree with Daisy or feel a sense of sympathy towards Gatsby.
In addition to this, it was shown how regardless of what happened, Gatsby still loves Daisy and is willing to try to make everything work. He offers to take the blame for killing Myrtle and even states that he will wait outside Daisy's window to make sure Tom does not harm her. After hearing all of Gatsby's offers, Daisy was infuriated and told him to stop. Daisy even had to take a moment of silence to collect all her thoughts.
Gatsby continued to try to convince Daisy that she's not really confused, she's just taken back by all that has happened. Gatsby still believes that time can essentially be turned back. Daisy, on the other hand, has reached the point of realization that time can not and never will be able to be turned back. Gatsby tries to explain to Daisy that she never loved Tom, she just thought she did.
Today, a man like Jay Gatsby could never happen. Someone gaining wealth that quickly would be very questionable because people are aware of illegal activities that help gain wealth.
In some ways, the American Dream depicted in the novel is still the same today. The idea of having a luxurious life in a large house with a loving family is shown in the novel. Although not everyone who claims to be living the American Dream is wealthy, the luxurious lifestyle still applies. Whether luxury is defined as a quality similair to a five star hotel or just having a roof over one's head, is up to the person to decide.
I liked Angela and Soraya's skit the most. I thought that they did a very good job of bringing emotion into the scene. They also acted very well. Their skit basically mirrored my mind's image of the scene. I could also feel the tension and the emotions building up.
I do not believe that a person like Gatsby could exist in this modern world. Gatsby could not get flaunt his wealth and throw such lavish parties without having suspicion placed on him. I am also sure that doing something illegal could also be much much harder. The increase in power and influence of police and the law as a whole would be much harder to get past.
Society's view of the American dream has not changed. I am sure that the almost everybody dreams of getting a good education,finding a good job, buying a big house, marrying the perfect woman and having children. They probably also dream of living in security and peace without having to worry about any other problems. I would say that not much has changed regarding the American dream since the 1920's.
My favorite skit would have to be Sarah's and Candice's. They portrayed the characters well and I felt that their skit could have really happened in the book. It fit perfect enough to actually be a scene in the book.
In today's society, it would be impossible to find a man like Gatsby. In the past it might have been more difficult to catch a bootlegger, but definitely not in today's world. Such illegal activities would be caught in an instant.
The "American Dream" depicted in the novel is still the same today. In order to achieve this dream, people want to have the money, the fame, and a family. That was exactly what Gatsby wanted and Tom too. Without Daisy, Tom's dream would be ruined because she was what it took to complete a perfect family. Thus, the "American Dream" from the past is still the same presently.
My favorite skit was Chris and Russell's. They achieved excellence by fusing their comical talent with their interpreted references. I enjoyed Gatsby's slight "on-edge" behavior and Daisy's relaxed attitude. Although the characters were not mirror images with those in the book, I feel this rendition left a lasting impression in the minds of the audience.
I believe a man like Jay Gatsby would be possible in modern times. Gatsby was a wealthy individual that overcame numerous obstacles to pursue his only dream. Although times have changed there will always be people that go after dreams they will never attain. In this case Gatsby wanted another man's wife and, even though it is frowned upon, some individuals have no problem with falling for someone else's spouse or significant other. Secondly, Gatsby was wealthy and unknown. In the modern world there are a number of people that may have millions of dollars, but are not well known. Therefore, it is possible that a wealthy and dogmatic Gatsby can exist today.
The American Dream that is depicted in Fitzgerald's novel is no longer the same today. To begin with, times have changed, which translates to values having been altered. In Fitzgerald's novel the American Dream was to have the best of everything or to be the best in everything. At that time, many people inherited their millions of dollars. Today, people make their own money by working hard and having dedication to what they are doing. In Fitzgerald's time, a popular way to make millions of dollars was to be a bootlegger. Today there are no more bootleggers since alcohol is legal. Therefore, the "dream" job has changed since the 1920s. In the 1920s the American Dream was to have enough money that it would not be necessary to work. Thus, the wealthy would have individuals to do their work for them and millionaires would be able to do as they pleased.
Today many people reach their American Dream by bettering their past. Bettering one's past may result in an average one family house with a decent paying job and a few kids or a mansion in a posh neighborhood and a high paying job.
Therefore, the American Dream between the 1920s and now is not the same.
My favorite skit was the group of Sabrienne, Nicole, and Amanda. They had a unique task with three people in their group so they had to create a little different scenario. I thought the group used a great mix of humor along with information. They had a great interpretation of the novel but also were entertaining to watch. Their drawing of Myrtle and use of her was imaginative and resourceful.
A man like Jay Gatsby could exist today. Gatsby is simply a wealthy criminal. While he has this dream set in his mind of what he wants to obtain, he is a very common individual. In today’s society and economy, it is possible for almost anyone to gain wealth. Gatsby is just pursuing his dream and his ideal life.
The American Dream depicted in The Great Gatsby is the same as it is today. Fitzgerald’s dream is being able to live your life how you want, being able to have money, friends, and the pursuit of happiness. The American Dream is not the same for everyone. For some the American Dream starts in a factory, grows, and grows until one is the CEO of that company. For others it might start and end as a third grade teacher. The ability to have freedom and pursue whatever one wants to in life is the American Dream.
I really enjoyed all of the skits, but my favorite was definitely Priya's and Siddhi's. I felt that they kept it short and to the point. The characters of Tom and Daisy remained true to what we already knew them to be. I thought the modern twist of including Facebook and Myspace in their dialogue was really clever and funny. Their acting was really good, too!
In my opinion, a man like Jay Gatsby could still exist today. Although I agree with the previous comments that somebody with that much wealth would certainly draw attention and would probably be discovered as a bootlegger, I still feel as though there is more to Gatsby than just the fact that he obtained a lot of money illegally. Jay Gatsby's defining characteristic was not simply his immense wealth, but the reason behind it. His obsession and love for one woman, Daisy, pushed him to do all of the things he did with his life. I feel that it is still plausible for somebody to be pushed to do things because of similar motives. Many people today, such as professional athletes or movie stars, claim to have reached such elite positions in society by trying to prove wrong all those who doubted them. It is likely that these people pushed themselves until they had won their doubters over and were sufficiently satisfied with themselves. Similarly, Gatsby wanted to win back a woman who had lost hope in him after he left her for war. His dream could not be fulfilled until she loved him again. In this way, I feel as though there are a number people like Jay Gatsby still around today.
The American Dream depicted in Fitzgerald's novel is still the same today, when you strip it down to the basics. The American Dream was, is, and probably always will be to be successful. Although the definition of "success" differs from century to century, decade to decade, and even from person to person, its roots are still the same.
My favorite skit so far was definitely Angela and Soraya's. I thought that the emotions, words, and movements that Daisy and Gatsby had in the novel came through through perfectly by their choice of actions and their acting. I really thought the way Soraya played Gatsby in the beginning during the silence was amazing and the way Angela played Daisy really showed her mixed emotions.
I definitely do think that a man like Jay Gatsby could happen today, since there are just about the same criminal actions that can be done to attain wealth today. In fact, an example of this is how it is not uncommon to hear stories about men and women caught selling drugs and making money off of that. However, there are also stories of men who pursue happiness by using money to reach their goals, and getting that money through illegal ways. There are also many men who spend their lives dedicated to being with the woman of their dreams. Even if it is not particularly a soul mate that they are running after, men tire themselves out in search of their "Daisy" and go through many troubles in doing so.
The American Dream depicted in the novel is still the same dream today. It still revolves around the idea of being wealthy, having a spouse, children, a job, leisurely possessions, and general happiness.
My favorite skit was with Angela and Soraya by far. Their performance really tugged on my emotions and they had me on the edge of my seat. It was easy to see they put time and effort in this assignment. With the script they created I could really see the Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan in them.
A man like Jay Gatsby would be able to exist now. Many men and women have gained wealth illegally today. In fact, I believe there are more ways to become wealthier illegally now than back in the 1920's, and there is a larger number of customers (for the ways involving selling substances) these days than before.
The American dream is basically the same, just a different style. The dream simply involves owning a respected house, desired property and still with money to spare, family and friends.
Even after all this, the real American Dream is just happiness.
And that's all Gatsby wants.
My favorite skit of all the performed skits was Candice and Sarah's skit. Their skit was very entrancing and said a lot. I really liked the end when Sarah said it's cold outside. I also, liked the part where there was awkwardness present between Gatsby and Daisy on the ride back from New York.
A man like Jay Gatsby could happen today because there are so many illegal ways to become wealthy. Also there is so many unlawful situations that take place everyday. I feel like, it is actually more likely for a man like Jay Gatsby to happen today.
The American Dream depicted in Fitzgerald's novel is the same today. Back then people wanted wealth and opportunities and believed America was the place for it. People right now believe the same, however the people living here know what it is truly like. Immigrants that come in from different countries think they will find peace happiness, but they don't see that America is like any country. It is not that moving to America will make you wealthy, it's what you do to reach your goal of becoming wealthy. I really don't believe that moving to America gives many opportunities. Those opportunities are present in other countries as well, but people refuse to take up on them.
My favorite skit was Priya's and Siddhi's. I love the modern twist they put on their skit. I was also impressed with the acting of both characters. I was automatically drawn into the scene from the start. Also, they kept it interesting and original with the facebook and myspace aspects. It was an overall great performance that did not dissappoint me in any way.
I believe that a man like Jay Gatsby can happen today. It is a lot easier to get a hold of illegal substances today than in the 1920s. Also, there are many more types of illegal substances, especially drugs. There are hundreds of drug traffickers all around the United States. The top person in a drug ring usually ends up with the most amount of money. If this is combined with someone today, who wants to use the money to impress a woman who they haven't seen for five years, it is very possible.
I think the American Dream today is different than in the novel. I would say that people are not as obsessed with getting so much money today. Especially because of hard economic times, people are not thinking about, "How can I get rich quick?" People are thinking about, "How can I get just enough money to support my family?" The dream back in the novel is to be part of the upper class and to have wealth and just be able top party all day long. Today, the dream is about economic stability, having a family(kids and a wife or husband), and being completely happy and content, not necessarily partying.
My favorite skit was Angela's and Soraya's because they really put emotion into the presentation and it made everyone really get into it and the points they made in the presentation were really good. They worked hard preparing and I really liked it.
I do believe that a man like Jay Gatsby could happen today. Some people to this day still cannot be happy with what they have and sometimes people do whatever they can to be in that upper class. There are ways of obtaining illegal substances and there sure are ways of becoming wealthy off of it so it is very possible.
I think no matter what, people have different interpretations of that American Dream, but for the most part, today's American Dream is different than in the novel's. Living in America gives a lot of people the chance to take care of and raise a family and that is what the real American Dream is. Not being wealthy or becoming rich, but having a family under a roof and living your own life.
By the way, me and james are so upset no one likes our presentation. I dressed up so beautiful for all of you. Totally whatever though.
From the skits that I have seen on Tuesday, I enjoyed Soraya and Angela's the most. I believe they protrayed their characters very well and their dialogue seems very realistic as to what might have happened between Daisy and Gatsby on the way home from New York. Angela and Soraya also displayed raw emotions that made their skit very believeable. They did an excellent job and it was apparent that they worked hard.
I do not believe a man such as Gatsby could exist in today's society. Although many may argue that there are different ways of obtaining illegal substances, laws are enforced more than during the 1920's. Because of all the dangerous events that have happened around the world, security has become stricter. Gatsby became extremely wealthy in a matter of a few years. If that were to happen today, the police would have quickly been arriving at someone's door with questions.
I believe the American Dream depicted in Fitzgerald's novel is the same as today. If people in today's society were to be asked what they thought the definition of an "American Dream" was, they would respond that it required a good job, comfortable house, wife/husband, children, and a car. If that all was achieved, happiness would be the end result. Gatsby already had the car, house, and job. He just needed Daisy to complete his dream. Although many things have changed over the years, I believe the American Dream has stayed constant.
By the way, Devin, it's James and I.
Overall, my favorite skit was Sabrienne's Amanda's and Nicole's. The group came up with a pretty creative way to fit three people properly into their skit. I liked how they started in the present, when Nick asked Daisy about her car ride back from New York with Gatsby. The flashback was a great idea to add three characters smoothly into the skit. During the flashback (the car ride with Daisy and Gatsby)I really saw Gatsby's desperation to win Daisy back by some evident references used in the dialogue. This skit also had somewhat of a funny side to it. When the pair's car "ran into" a huge drawing of Myrtle, I thought that was a great and funny visual addition to the skit.
Even though, it is impossible to become a bootlegger in today's society, (since alcohol is legal) men and women like Gatsby still do exist. Many people are involved in illegal activities like drug trades, and human trafficking in order to attain some means of wealth. Although our current society never really sees a drug dealer as a millionaire, the illegal intentions for acquiring wealth will always be similar and comparable to Gatsby's ambitious and shady personality.
Today's culture is filled with the diverse ideas and interpretations of the American Dream. The depiction of the Dream by majority of Americans did not drastically change over the the past several decades. Throughout American history, the common theme of the American Dream always seemed to be success. If someone interpreted and analyzed the American Dream in its simplest terms, success would always be present in the dream's buried desires. Even though the details of a certain individual's dream may contrast from another's, in the end,(despite the different decades, ethnic backgrounds, and class) the American Dream will always aspire achievement.
My favorite skit overall would have to be Sarah and Candice's. The way Sarah portrayed Daisy's character was completely on point. I felt as if I had a clear insight into what Daisy was truly feeling during the entire car ride. Candice also did well in taking the role as Gatsby by showing great enthusiasm in trying to win Daisy back. I saw the internal struggle Gatsby was facing as he was talking to Daisy. At the same time, Daisy's mixed feelings were all placed clearly into the open for Gatsby to see. The conversation the two had really drew me in and I really felt the emotions that poured out from each character. The whole scene was very realistic.
I believe that a man like Jay Gatsby could exist in our society today. Many people today, like Gatsby, have acquired wealth illegally or just by being plain selfish. It is this incredible wealth that helps a person rise to such high power like Gatsby. There are men today who have gained wealth just to attain the power and the women who come with it. In Gatsby's case though, he is determined to pursue only one woman. This woman is seen as a trophy to Gatsby, a grail worth finding. You see it today, husbands proudly displaying their trophy wives and men who are chasing after just one woman who they believe they are destined to be with for the rest of their lives. Everything Jay Gatsby displays is possible of being portrayed in our modern world now.
I think the American Dream depicted in Fitzgerald's novel is still the same today, only more complex. Things were very simple in the 1920s. The American Dream consisted of a suitable home, a respectful and loving family, a supporting job, enough money to live comfortably, and a car up to your own standards. Even though times changed and all of this became more sophisticated over the years, they still define happiness.
My favorite skit would have to be Angela's and Soraya's because of how they brought out the raw emotions of the characters. When watching the scene, one can feel the intensity of the situation. Gatsby and Daisy that were shown were the best fit to the novel. I could see almost see a war going on inside Daisy. She was confused, nervous, afraid and angry at Gatsby. She was fighting herself internally and Gatsby externally. I could also see how Gatsby did not know where to being explaining and defending against the accusations made by Tom.
It is questionable if a man like Gatsby could survive in today's world. I believe the difference is too great for him to be able to accept and live within this century. Gatsby is a romantic person who has lived with an illusion all his life. The real world for such a person would be too cruel and harsh. Therefore, Gatsby would not exist today especially without Daisy. I cannot imagine "the great Gatsby" without Daisy.
I believe that the American Dream depicted in Fitzgerald's novel that lives within everyone is still the same today. The dream that says you own a house, married with kids, and good job. The idea is still the same people want a "nice" life that in the end makes them happy. However, maybe the specific details may have changed over the years. For example, the job desired in 1920's would be different from the job people chase after today. Overall speaking the dream remains the same.
My favorite skit would be Sarah's and Candice's skit. Their skit, in my opinion, accurately portrayed what the conversation would have been between Gatsby and Daisy on the ride home. During the scene, the awkward silences is what exactly I thought would occur right after the tension reached its boiling point. Daisy was nervous and stressed and by the end of the skit, she was cold and heartless to Gatsby, signifying the end of their affair. Gatsby was very well portrayed in his hopeless longing for Daisy. I thought the skit was very well acted and carried out. Snaps to them!
I feel a man like Jay Gatsby could not happen today. He is a hopeless romantic. In his mind, it is only Daisy. He achieved all his wealth for love. In today's society, romance is barely existing. It is mostly lust and superfluous desires. Gatsby's desire was pure, and even though his road to achieving his desire was not, the dream remained so.
Also, during the 1920's, it was a time of carelessness. Nowadays, such careless actions are highly frowned upon and people are a lot more responsible with wealth, time, and even people. Gatsby could not live in this world because he lived in a world where the world is his oyster and he can do whatever he desired.
The American Dream depicted in Fitzgerald's novel is still the same today. Human desire is to acquire more. More wealth, more time, more popularity. The American Dream in Fitzgerald's novel was to become wealthy and prosperous. That dream still lives on as the American Dream of today.
My favorite skit was Soraya and Angela's skit. You could practically feel the tension radiating off. It was so dramatic and realistic I just got wrapped up in it. I really thought Angela was going to start crying at the last part of their skit.
I do think a man like Gatsby can exist in this modern day. IN regards to his wealth, it is possible for a person to obtain so much money without "setting off an alarm." It's all about knowing the right people. Just like back then, if you have the right connections and the right money no one will look twice. Sure, there is speculation. But as long as a person can keep his wallet full there is nothing can worry about.
In regards to Gatsby himself, a man like him can and does exist. As romantic as Gatsby is we cannot deny the fact he only views Daisy a trophy. And there are many people who, like Gatsby, fool people with smoke and mirrors and try to hide their shady past.
I think the American Dream is the same. Regardless of what era people still break their backs obtaining the house, the car, the wife/husband, the kids, and maybe even a dog all tied up with a white picket fence.
Wow! You guys have been quite busy! I really enjoyed the skits as well. I thought each had a unique and creative perspective and offered rich insight into the charactersand themes.
Your discussion about the American dream is also quite interesting. As far as being careless, what do you think about the present economic crisis? It is strange that the last two decades closely mirror the 20's and 30's. While people are much more careful with their money, this new attitude is a direct result of frivolous spending. And as far as Gatsby, what about Bernie Madoff? I am sure the latter wasn't breaking the law for a dream girl but certainly some similarities there.
Great job so far!!!
I believe my favorite skit would have to be Sarah and Candice's. They managed to capture all the drama one would expect to go along with their particular scene, rather than taking a humorous view on it(sorry, couldn't help myself). I especially liked the last line delivered by Sarah, it was very well done.
I'm more than sure a man like Jay Gatsby would exist today. Many people everywhere are relinquishing their morals in order to obtain a higher social class.
Yes, the american dream is alive and well today. With almost every student in America, their dream is to have a comfortable life with a family that is well provided for, regardless of whatever profession they might have. Just like our educational system, its just the first of many steps in order to reach that American dream we've heard about so much.
By the way, sorry about the late post... I kinda forgot this thing existed.
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